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So, today’s topic comes from plinky via dailypress

If you could bring one fictional character to life for a day, who would you choose?

What would you do for the day?


This was EASY for me to decide, I’d pick my favorite book character.

As I’ve mentioned before my favorite author is Tamora Pierce, and my favorite series of her’s is the “Immortals Quartet” and my favorite character is Daine. I love everything about her, the way she’s stubborn, has a mind of her own, and loves animals. I think we’d spend the day talking to animals, getting to know my cats better, and just exploring the world around us. (Depends on if we’d be in her world or mine)  Tammy has an amazing gift with writing, she really brings her characters to life so I feel as if I already know Daine.

My hope and prayer is that someday I can be even a small fraction as good of a writer as Tammy is 🙂 (and she’s an awesome person as well!)


Well, that’s all I’ve got for today. I’m considering doing another vlog this weekend (only with topics beforehand this time!). That’s about it…

Until next time,
